Have you ever been to a casino? The music that they play in casinos is meant to make you feel bold, adventurous, and willing to gamble. The bright, flashing lights, high ceilings, and sexy wait staff embody the power and money that casinos everywhere embody. But high stakes gambling does not have to be too uptight, does it?
Black Jack, for instance, is commonly played by men who want to spend their Saturday nights relaxing with friends, drinking the occasional beer, exchanging stories, and trying to relax. In this case, reggae seems to be a fitting theme, given its naturally relaxed vibe.
If you want your own version of Black Jack Reggae Saturdays, invite your friends over after dinner. Prepare finger food, a few decks of cards, drinks, a table, and chairs. To familiarize yourself with the card game, check this cool site Then, set up your sound system for two hours or so of reggae music.
Perhaps black jack and reggae have one thing in common: so very few people appreciate it, but those who do get hooked. Black jack, although a gambling game, is actually a strategy game. Reggae, although very laid back, borrows its roots from rhythm and blues, which has quite a serious and a poignant origin. They are both an oxymoron in their own right, serving to contradict themselves.
One thing is for sure: when you play Black Jack with Bob Marley or Toots & the Maytals playing in the background, all bets are off.

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